Playing Cards from 1765-1801
Part 1, English Cards

Click on the links in the tables below...

The 'Ace Types' on the right identify the tax ace in John Berry , Taxation on Playing-Cards in England from 1711 to 1960,  IPCS papers No. 3, Jan. 2001.

A1 is George III, No additional duty, 1765-1776
A1a same for smaller format cards
A8 (x) , George III, Exportation Ace (tax exempt), 1765-1828

plainbacks reference number and maker Date Estimate

Ace Type

A35 Blanchard 1760 A1
A3 Gibson 1769-1776 A1
A11 McEvoy 1765-1776 A1
A1 Blanchard (Faro) 1765-1769 A1a
A4 McEvoy (Faro) 1765-1776 A1a
A27 Hart (Faro) 1765-1776 A1a
A14 Forgery "Blanchard" c 1770 A1 forgery
A2 Hart (Exportation Ace) 1765-1775 A8 (x)
A18 Fullerton (Dublin) 1760-1772 Eire
A25 Hart c 1768 A1
A29 Hart c 1790 A8 (x)
A31 Rowley c 1765 A1

A2 George III, 6d additional duty shown, 1776-1789
A2a same for smaller format cards
A8 (x) , George III, Exportation Ace (tax exempt), 1765-1828

plainbacks reference number and maker Date Estimate Ace Type
A6 Gibson & Gisborne 1776-1789 A2
A26 Llewellyn 1776-1789 A2
A9 Gibson & Gisborne (Faro) 1776-1789 A2a
A33 Hart (Faro) 1776-1789 A2a

A3 George III, 6d additional duty shown twice, 1789-1801
A3a same for smaller format cards
A8 (x) , George III, Exportation Ace (tax exempt), 1765-1828

plainbacks reference number and maker Date Estimate Ace Type
A7 Gibson 1789-1801 A3
A8 Gibson & Gisborne 1789-1801 A3
A36 Gibson & Gisborne 1789-1797 A3
A10 Hall 1789-1801 A3
A12 Brotherton 1789-1801 A3
A13 Gibson & Gisborne 1789-1801 A3
A15 Gibson 1789-1801 A3
A17 Hall 1789-1801 A3
A23 Hunt 1799 A3
A19 Fleming (Dublin) 1790 Eire
A22 Unknown (from Genoa) 1795 A8 (x)
A5 French (Exportation Ace) 1800 A8 (x)
A24 Ludlow/ Wheeler 1800 A3
A21 H French 1801 A8 (x)
A34 H Hardy 1800 A8 (x)
A30 Hart 1789-1801 A3
A32 T Wheeler / Ludlow 1800 A3

Playing Cards from 1765-1800
Part 2, European Cards

plainbacks ref. and maker Date Estimate From
E96 Pratviel 1746-850 Toulouse France
E5 Lauret 1760-80 Nīmes France
E16 D Miller 1770 Regensburg Switz.
E84 F D Milher Animal Tarot 1771 Bavaria Germany (stamp)
E97 Lauret 1775 Nīmes France
E98 Lionet 1775 Provence, France
E7 P A Keusters 1768-89 Brussels
E77 Theatrical Tarock 1780 Brussels
E85 Milchram, Trappola 1782 Graz, Austria
E93 J T Dubois 1790 Liege, Belgium
E94 Type PV3 1790 Holland
E95 Augerau 1790s Lyon, France
E41 Felix Solesio 1791 Spain